Azerbaijan to replace driving licenses of foreign countries without examination

Driving licenses of Azerbaijani citizen, issued by the concerned authority of a foreign country, will be replaced with new ones by relevant executive authority within 30 minutes without any examination after a month from the day of entry into the country and those of foreigners after they obtain a temporary of permanent residence permit in Azerbaijan.


It was reflected in the amendment to the Law “On Road Traffic” of Azerbaijan Republic approved by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s decree dated November 18, 2016.


According to the amendment, in accordance with the international agreements on traffic regulation, an Azerbaijani citizen, on the basis of a valid driving license issued by the concerned authority of a foreign country, has the right to drive vehicles in Azerbaijani territory for a period of one month from the day of entry into the country. To use vehicles more than a month, an Azerbaijani citizen shall change his/her license. These driving licenses will be replaced with new ones by relevant Azerbaijani executive authority within 30 minutes without any examination.


In order to replace the driving license, an Azerbaijani citizen must submit his ID card, driving license and document on payment of state duty. Persons with the age of 60 and more, persons with the age of 70 and more, persons having the diseases, included in the list developed by the respective executive body of Azerbaijan Republic must also submit medical references.


According to another amendment, in accordance with the international agreements on traffic regulation, a foreigner or a stateless person temporarily residing in Azerbaijan has the right to drive vehicles in Azerbaijani territory on the basis of a valid driving license issued by the concerned authority of a foreign country. In case a foreigner or a stateless person obtains a temporary of permanent residence permit in Azerbaijan, he/she, in order to use vehicles in the territory of Azerbaijan, shall change his/her driving license within a month after obtaining the permit in the same way.


After the replacement of driving licenses, both the new ones and licenses of foreign countries will be returned to the Azerbaijani citizen or foreigners.

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