Seoul International Women's Association informed of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan`s Embassy to the Republic of Korea has hosted an event for thirty representatives of Seoul International Women's Association (SIWI) from Korea, China, USA, Canada, Belgium and India.

Azerbaijani ambassador Ramzi Teymurov provided an insight into the country`s history, geographic location, culture, tourism potential as well as the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and Azerbaijan-Korea bilateral relations. The event also included a question-and-answer session with the ambassador.

The SIWI representatives tasted Azerbaijani national sweets shekerbura and baklava, and Azerbaijan-made juices. They received brochures about Azerbaijan’s history, culture and tourism.

SIWI is a premier international women's organisation functioning in Korea and consisting of women from over 40 countries with 400 women members. It was established in 1962 in order to learn women cultures from different countries and build relations with them.

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