Azeri Chief Electoral Officer reveals early voting results

Chief of Azerbaijan`s Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov gave a press conference to announce initial results of the parliamentary elections.
Panahov said the elections started at 8.00 a.m. and completed at 7 p.m.
He noted the voting took place in 5,314 polling stations in 125 constituencies across the country.
According to Panahov, 50.14% or 2,480,205 voters of the total number of the country`s electorate cast ballots in the elections.
"This demonstrates how much the Azerbaijani people are interested in the parliamentary elections."
"The turnout rose nearly 5% since the last parliamentary elections in 2005. And I think it is quite a big figure for the parliamentary elections," he added.
"The voting was held in a transparent and democratic manner," the CEC chairman underlined.
Panahov pointed out about 47,000 local and over 1,000 international observers monitored the voting process.
He said the Commission issued 5 voter turnout reports throughout the Election Day.
According to him, the CEC received no official complaints or information which could seriously affect the voting results.
Panahov said the constituency election commissions had so far received protocols from 4,891 out of 5,314 polling stations, and the results had been placed on the website of the Commission.









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