Pakistani Daily News publishes article on Azerbaijan`a upcoming parliamentary elections

Pakistani "Daily Times" newspaper has published an article entitled "40 parties in the run for 125 Azerbaijan National Assembly seats" in its 5th November edition, according to Azerbaijan`s embassy to the country.
The article says: "Consistent efforts made by late president and national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev created opportunities to halt the activities of the malevolent forces posing a threat to the Azerbaijan territorial integrity and state independence. Azerbaijan was saved from bloody civil confrontations and the danger of a complete collapse in 1993-95. As a result, Azerbaijan was able to establish its governmental institutions and lay the foundation for the ideology based on such universal humanitarian values as independence, state formation, patriotism, preeminence of law, justice, democracy, national progress reflected in new constitution which was adopted in 1995. By the decree of the President Heydar Aliyev, all kind of censorship over mass media was abolished in 1998."
The author notes: "Azerbaijan Republic possesses one of the leading places among post-Soviet and eastern European countries for quality and quantity of mass media. At present, 1830 mass media agencies have been registered in Azerbaijan".
The article says: "In July 2010, on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the Azerbaijani national press, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed special decree for promoting progress and support from government to facilitate working conditions of media and journalists."







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