International seminar on Ichari Shahar to start in Baku

Azerbaijan`s capital will host an international seminar on application of historical urban landscape approach in conservation and development of Ichari Shahar on October 17-21.
The event will be organized by the Office of Ichari Shahar (Inner City) State Historical-Architectural Reserve in association with UNESCO.
According to Ichari Shahar State Historical-Architectural Reserve, the proposals on historical urban landscape are being prepared and will be included in the agenda of the 36th session of the UNESCO General Assembly to be held next year.
The aim of the seminar is to prepare a concept of historical urban landscape and apply it in Ichari Shahar.
The event will be attended by employees of UNESCO`s World Heritage Center and experts from US, Finland, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Poland, Austria and Australia.
UNESCO will publish a report on conservation in Ichari Shahar and correspondence of projects for development.







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