
Azerbaijan, Inter-parliamentary Union expand relations

30.01.2018 | Readed: 1120

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov has met Chair of the Twelve Plus Group, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Member of Portuguese Parliament Duarte......

Keys and documents to apartments presented to journalists

30.01.2018 | Readed: 1124

A ceremony to give out the documents and keys to apartments to journalists in the second residential building for media workers has been......

Armenia's occupation policy against Azerbaijan once again condemned by PUIC Parliamentary Assembly

19.01.2018 | Readed: 1670

Armenia’s occupation policy pursued against Azerbaijan has been once again condemned by OIC Parliamentary Assembly as the organization unanimously adopted two draft resolutions......

"President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the Azerbaijani model of multiculturalism" book presented

17.01.2018 | Readed: 2101

"President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the Azerbaijani model of multiculturalism" book has been presented at Baku International Multiculturalism......

Spanish portal hails Azerbaijani peacekeepers’ contributions to NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan

12.01.2018 | Readed: 2319

  The Spanish portal “www.eldiario.es” has published an article praising Azerbaijan`s initiative to increase the number of its peacekeepers serving within the NATO led......

Head of EU Delegation hails Azerbaijan`s efforts to improve social conditions of refugees and IDPs

09.01.2018 | Readed: 2035

"What the government of Azerbaijan has been doing to improve social conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons and to address their housing problems is commendable," said......

Azerbaijani President`s Assistant`s book published in Tashkent in four languages

05.01.2018 | Readed: 2061

A book by Assistant of the President of Azerbaijan for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov titled "Ethnic cleainsing and genocide policy against Azerbaijanis and Khojaly massacre" was......

Azerbaijan continues independent, multidimensional, balanced and active foreign policy in 2017

29.12.2017 | Readed: 2358

“In accordance with the foreign policy priorities set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the instructions and order of the President and relevant laws of......

Euronews TV channel highlights Bakutel-2017 exhibition Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev responds to questions from the channel`s correspondent

19.12.2017 | Readed: 2478

Euronews TV channel has highlighted Bakutel-2017 exhibition in Baku. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev responded to questions from the channel`s......

L’Opinione newspaper highlights Baku`s Expo-2025 bid

18.12.2017 | Readed: 2492

  Italian L'Opinione newspaper has published an article by journalist Domenico Letizia headlined “Azerbaijan’s vision for Expo-2025”. The article highlights Baku`s......

Azerbaijani First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva awarded high order of Russian Orthodox Church

18.12.2017 | Readed: 2354

  First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva has been awarded the Order of the saint Equal to the Apostles......

Baku hosts international conference “Azerbaijan’s model of multiculturalism: ethno-cultural diversity”

29.11.2017 | Readed: 2735

  An international conference entitled “Azerbaijan’s model of multiculturalism: ethno-cultural diversity” has kicked off in Baku.......

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan mark 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations

28.11.2017 | Readed: 2630

Azerbaijan`s Embassy in Astana has organized an official reception to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and......

Azerbaijani President`s Assistant Ali Hasanov addresses European Azerbaijanis` Karabakh Forum in Brussels

21.11.2017 | Readed: 2909

The European Azerbaijanis` Karabakh Forum has been held in Brussels, Belgium. The conference was co-organized by Azerbaijan`s State Committee on Work with Diaspora and the European......

Azerbaijan, China expand cooperation

15.11.2017 | Readed: 2981

Azerbaijan`s First Deputy Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov has met Vice President of the International Relations Department of the Central Committee of Communist Party of the People's Republic of China......

Azerbaijan ready to share successful ASAN service experience with African countries, FM Mammadyarov

11.11.2017 | Readed: 2767

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has expressed Azerbaijan`s readiness to share successful ASAN service experience with African countries as he met with Deputy Secretary-General of the United......

Speaker Asadov: Inter-parliamentary relations play significant role in development of Azerbaijani-French ties

04.11.2017 | Readed: 2854

Inter-parliamentary relations play a significant role in development of Azerbaijani-French ties, said Speaker of the Parliament Ogtay Asadov as he met head of the France-Azerbaijan Friendship......

Spokesperson Hikmat Hajiyev: "We do regret that host of show on CNN made himself a propaganda tool to justify and disguise occupation of Azerbaijan's lands by Armenia"

27.10.2017 | Readed: 2892

We do regret that host of the show on CNN, American chef Anthony Bourdain has made himself a propaganda tool to justify and disguise occupation of Azerbaijan's lands by Armenia, Hikmat......

The Jerusalem Post: Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations: the way to peace or war?

23.10.2017 | Readed: 2893

The Jerusalem Post has published an article headlined “Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations: the way to peace or war?” by political analyst Arye Gut. The article......

OSCE Chairmanship releases statement on the meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents

18.10.2017 | Readed: 2991

"The Austrian OSCE Chairmanship closely followed the meeting of the President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev,......

Azerbaijani Parliament Speaker: Turning a blind eye to the occupation of lands of other states poses threat to peace and security all over the world

17.10.2017 | Readed: 2825

Turning a blind eye to the occupation of the lands of other states poses a threat to peace and security all over the world," said speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov as he addressed the 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in St.......

President Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus in favor of strengthening parliamentary dimension in CIS, other associations

14.10.2017 | Readed: 2765

A principled position of the Belarusian side envisages the enhancement of the parliamentary dimension in the CIS and other integration associations, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said......

French political analyst: Azerbaijan is a powerful country ready to liberate its territories by any means

12.10.2017 | Readed: 2842

French political scientist Sébastien Boussois has published an article “Occupation of Nagorno Karabakh: Azerbaijan is still seeking peaceful resolution of the conflict in Cnpnews......

Belarus President, Azerbaijani Minister discuss prospects of military and technical cooperation

10.10.2017 | Readed: 2841

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has met with Azerbaijan`s Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov to discuss the prospects of military and technical cooperation, according to......

NewsBlaze: Azerbaijan-Armenia: A Baseless, Senseless Conflict

09.10.2017 | Readed: 2893

Azerbaijan is a peace-loving country that accommodates many ethnic and religion......

The Washington Times: “Azerbaijan: The land of religious tolerance”

04.10.2017 | Readed: 2991

The Washington Timeshas published an article headlined “Azerbaijan: The land of religious......

Azerbaijan, NATO discuss prospects for developing relations

27.09.2017 | Readed: 3053

Azerbaijan`s Minister of Defense, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has today met with a delegation headed by NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia......

Azerbaijani, Saint Petersburg legislative bodies sign protocol

23.09.2017 | Readed: 3150

Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis and Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg have signed a protocol as chairman of Azerbaijan`s parliament Ogtay Asadov and head of Saint Petersburg Legislative......

The Jerusalem Post: Why Azerbaijan is important for American Jewish Lobby?

22.09.2017 | Readed: 3226

The Jerusalem Post has published an article headlined “Why Azerbaijan is important for American Jewish......

Defense Ministry: Azerbaijan Armed Forces to hold large-scale exercises

18.09.2017 | Readed: 3075

“In accordance with the plan approved by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, large-scale exercises with participation......

Mexican ambassador hails his country's developing relations with Azerbaijan

18.09.2017 | Readed: 2927

Mexican ambassador to Azerbaijan Juan Rodrigo Labardini Flores has hailed his country's developing relations with Azerbaijan as he addressed a reception marking Mexico's national holiday,......

Ambassador: Tajikistan is keen to develop cooperation with Azerbaijan

30.08.2017 | Readed: 2884

Tajikistan is keen to develop cooperation with Azerbaijan in all fields,” said Tajik Ambassador Soli Rustam as he presented a copy of his credentials to Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. He......

Baku Global Young Leaders Forum discusses female and male leadership

23.08.2017 | Readed: 2954

The second day of the Baku-hosted Global Young Leaders Forum, organized by Azerbaijan State Committee for Work with the Diaspora and the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, has featured a......

Azerbaijan, Korea discuss inter-parliamentary ties

18.08.2017 | Readed: 2761

Deputy Head of the Azerbaijan Parliament`s Committee on International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Sevinj Fataliyeva has met a group of deputies from Korea.......

Azerbaijan, Poland discuss cooperation

17.08.2017 | Readed: 2678

Deputy Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Valeh Alasgarov has met a Polish delegation led by Minister of the National Education Anna Zalewska.......

Azerbaijan, Czech Republic discuss ways of developing cooperation

15.08.2017 | Readed: 2775

Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic have discussed the ways of developing bilateral cooperation as Deputy Foreign Minister Nadir Huseynov met with State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign......

Azerbaijan, Macedonia discuss prospects for developing cooperation

31.07.2017 | Readed: 2784

Azerbaijan and Macedonia have discussed prospects for developing bilateral cooperation as ambassador to Turkey and Macedonia Faig Baghirov met with the country's Minister of Foreign Affairs......

'US State of Arizona is interested in developing relations with Azerbaijan'

29.07.2017 | Readed: 2946

The US State of Arizona is interested in developing relations with Azerbaijan in a number of areas, including in economic sphere," said Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives Javan Mesnard as he met with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ogtay......

Millions flock to streets in Turkey to mark July 15 defeated coup

17.07.2017 | Readed: 2681

Turkish citizens Saturday poured into streets for national unity marches across the country on the first anniversary of defeated coup, which left 250 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured,......

Silk Road support group established in OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

10.07.2017 | Readed: 2807

A Silk Road support group has been established as part of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA). The papers were signed during the......

Ali Larijani hails Iran-Azerbaijan relations

30.06.2017 | Readed: 2803

Speaker of Iran`s Islamic Consultative Assembly, the parliament, Ali Larijani has hailed his country`s relations with Azerbaijan as he met with chairman of Azerbaijan`s parliament Ogtay Asadov......

Milli Majlis chairman: Azerbaijan and Czech Republic are friendly and partner countries

30.06.2017 | Readed: 2729

Chairman of the Milli Majlis, Azerbaijan`s parliament, Ogtay Asadov has hailed his country`s relations with the Czech Republic. “Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic are friendly and partner......

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