Baku hosts reception on Republic Day of India

On January 28th the India`s Embassy in Azerbaijan hosted a reception on the country`s Republic Day.
After playing the national anthems of the two countries, the ambassador Vinod Kumar briefed the event participants on the country`s gaining achievements in the various spheres and touched upon the historically existing relations between the two countries.
The ambassador noted that India was one of those countries, who created the diplomatic relations with Azerbaijan after gaining the independence, adding two countries` ties would further expand.
On behalf of Azerbaijan`s President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan`s Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyngulu Bagirov congratulated the Indian people on the occasion of the holiday and delivered the best wishes and greeting of the Head of State.
He said that the existing relations between Azerbaijan and India were steadily developing for the prosperity of the two countries` people.
The Minister hailed the activity of Azerbaijan-India Inter-Governmental Commission, adding the Commission successfully was acting in the cultural, economical, technological spheres and was giving an impetus to the development of the bilateral relations.
Mr. Bagirov also emphasized that Azerbaijan was interested in the development of the relations with all countries in the various spheres for the strengthening of the gaining achievements, adding the country attached great importance to the relations with India.
The event brought together Azerbaijan`s state and government officials, as well as MPs, ambassadors of foreign countries accredited in the country and representatives of society.


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