Head of Azerbaijani Presidential Administration approves plan of events on 23rd anniversary of 20 January tragedy

Head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration has issued a relevant order on approval of the plan of events on 23rd anniversary of 20 January tragedy.
The document envisages holding events, conferences, meetings, delivering lectures, covering these events in media, spreading materials about the bloody 20 January in the leading mass media of the world, TV channels and internet.
According to the plan of events, to draw the attention of the world community to the bloody January tragedy, events will be held by Azerbaijan’s embassies, diplomatic missions and Azerbaijani communities abroad to bring the truth about the 20 January to the world nations.
Humanitarian aid will be rendered to the families of the 20 January victims, redevelopment woks will be carried out around the Ally of Martyrs, a special lesson will be given at all educational institutions, and the country’s major religious confessions will hold special religious ceremonies dedicated to the victims.
The victims will be commemorated by a minute of silence, the ships, cars and trains will sound horns at 12.00 on January 20.
Appropriate plan of events has been adopted in the cities and regions of the republic.
State flags of Azerbaijan will be lowered in the country that day as a sign of mourning.


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