GIZ to implement new project on Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs

Rovshan Rzayev, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has met with Mrs. Sonia Fontaine, country director of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Azerbaijan.

The sides had comprehensive discussions on plight of the refugees and internally displaced persons who were forcibly removed from their homelands as a result of Armenian aggression and how to alleviate their social living conditions, in particular, the importance steps taken by the Azerbaijani government to solve their vital problems. The Committee Chairman noted that as a result of expedient measures taken by the Azerbaijani state, in particular, by the first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva, some 300 thousands of refugees were provided with new apartments. Rzayev expressed gratitude to Mrs. Sonia Fontaine for assistance projects realized by GIZ through the State Committee in the country to solve the problems of refugees and IDPs.

Head of the GIZ hailed the present level of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Germany, reminding the projects implemented in numerous spheres, as well as for refuges and IDPs.

As was stated, GIZ is going to implement a new project on refugees – to create new profit opportunities for them. The sides expressed confidence the new project would also promote expansion of assistance for the refugees and IDPs.

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