26 years pass since occupation of Azerbaijan’s Lachin district by Armenia

On May 18, 1992 as a continuation of the policy of military aggression pursued by the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan Lachin district, which was not part of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast of Azerbaijan, was occupied by the Armenian Armed Forces.

As a result of the occupation, the inhabitants of Lachin district were subjected to ethnic cleansing, and currently, more than 77,000 Lachin residents live as internally displaced persons (IDP) in different regions of Azerbaijan. Armenia also has inflicted serious damage to state and private property of Lachin region. 217 cultural, 101 educational, 142 healthcare, 462 commercial enterprises and 30 communications, 2 transport and various other production facilities were plundered and destroyed.

54 historical monuments of world significance, more than 200 monuments of national significance have been subjected to vandalism by Armenia. The sixth century Albanian Aghoghlan cloister and the fourteenth century Malik Ajdar tomb, the mosque in Garygyshlag village and the ancient cemetery in Zabukh village are among them. The Lachin Museum of History and its unique collection of ancient gold, silver and bronze artefacts were plundered. Also, the silver handbag, looted exhibit of the Lachin History Museum, was sold at London's Sotheby's auction for $ 80,000.

Armenia, blatantly violating its commitments under the Geneva Conventions continues its illegal actions in the occupied Lachin district such as changing geographic names of the region, exploiting its natural resources and turning them into the source of illegal income, deliberate settlement of mainly Syrian refugees of Armenian origin into Lachin district and altering its demographic situation.

Aliqismet BADALOV,

“Khalq qazeti”



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