ECO member states support Azerbaijani President`s Islamic solidarity initiative

Heads of state and government of the member states of the Economic Cooperation Organization have expressed their support for the Azerbaijani President`s initiative to strengthen Islamic solidarity among Muslim countries as they adopted a declaration on the results of the 13th ECO Summit Meeting in Islamabad.

In the declaration, ECO member states “support the efforts of the government of Republic of Azerbaijan aimed at promoting and strengthening Islamic solidarity among Muslim States and in this regard note with appreciation that proclamation of 2017 as the Islamic Solidarity Year in Azerbaijan by the President of Republic of Azerbaijan.” The declaration calls on ECO member states “to actively participate in this event to be organized within the framework of the Islamic Solidarity Year in Azerbaijan, as well as in the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games and 4th World Forum on Inter-Cultural Dialogue to be held in May 2017 in Baku”.


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