Azerbaijan, Montenegro sign agreements on cooperation in customs affairs and protection of environment

The governments of Azerbaijan and Montenegro have signed agreements on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs and protection of environment in Baku.

Prior to the signing ceremony, Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade hailed the relations between Azerbaijan and Montenegro, particularly political ties. He noted the ongoing work to ensure further expansion of the economic cooperation.

Mr Rasizade spoke of Azerbaijan`s economic development and the country`s strides in boosting the non-oil sector.

The Azerbaijani Premier also touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He said the dispute still remains unsolved because of the non-constructive position of Armenia, which “is not quitting its policy of aggression”. “The problem must be settled within international legal norms, the principles of the territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Azerbaijan,” he added.

Montenegrin Premier Milo Dukanovic said his country attached huge emphasis to developing its ties with Azerbaijan. Mr. Dukanovic said Montenegro applauded Azerbaijan`s efforts towards ensuring peace and security globally and in the region.

He also hailed Azerbaijan`s implementation of large scale projects in Montenegro, saying “these projects will push the development of our bilateral cooperation”.

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