Ali Hasanov: Relations with Russia in Eurasian region are of great importance for Azerbaijan

“Relations with Russia in the Eurasian region are of great importance for Azerbaijan,” said the Azerbaijani President's aide on Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov as he commented on the 6th Russian-Azerbaijani Interregional Forum which started in Yekaterinburg.

"We attach great importance to this forum. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has addressed six messages to the Azerbaijani-Russian interregional forum, emphasizing the high status he accords to strategic partnership between the two countries."

The Presidential Aide recalled that the first Russian-Azerbaijani interregional forum was held in Baku in 2010. "Presidents of both countries address the forum covering all aspects of the Azerbaijani-Russian relations."

“Direct economic, political and social ties between the federal republics of the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan are in the best interests of both countries, and discussions are held on this front,” he added.

Ali Hasanov highlighted the fact that five round tables are held as part of the forum, singling out a youth gathering.

“At the end of the forum proposals to the Azerbaijani and Russian presidents will be prepared and adopted on the basis of discussions, ideas and reviews,” Ali Hasanov said.


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