“Common interests of Azerbaijan and Iran necessitates expansion of relations”, Novruz Mammadov

Deputy Head of the Azerbaijan President’s Administration Novruz Mammadov stated that the interests of Azerbaijan and Iran require strengthening and development of bilateral ties, in his interview with the Iranian news agency IRNA.
Mammadov said that after independence, improving relations with Iran was one of the priorities of the policy of Heydar Aliyev. In the past year, began a new stage in the improvement of bilateral relations. “This was expected, since the common interests of both countries necessitate improvement in relations,” he emphasized.
According to Mammadov, the indicator of strengthening ties was numerous meetings of the presidents of Iran and Azerbaijan. This was followed by regular visits by officials of the two countries, which gave impetus to the development of relations and cooperation in many fields.
Azerbaijan supports and opposes any threats and pressure against Iran. At the same time, he noted the importance of cooperation in regional security, particularly in combating terrorism in the face of LIH


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