President Ilham Aliyev signs order on payment of tuition fees of children of citizens who died, became disabled and went missing in military operations for Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an order on payment of tuition fees of children of the citizens who became disabled while defending Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order, died for freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, went missing in military operations and declared dead by the court.
Tuition fees of children of the citizens who became disabled while defending Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order, died for freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, went missing in military operations and declared dead by the court, who are studying bachelor`s and master`s degree (residency) at Azerbaijani universities and vocational schools will be paid at the expense of state budget for tuition costs approved by decision No. 20 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated June 25, 2010, from the academic year 2014-2015.


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