Azerbaijan President confers honorary titles upon press workers

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order to confer honorary titles upon several press workers on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the national press.
In accordance with the Presidential Order, 38 people were named honorary journalists, while 15 people received the title of Honorary Culture worker and one person the title of Honorary Engineer.
In another Executive Order, the President ordered the allocation of AZN1 million for a number of media outlets.
The President also ordered the allocation of AZN280,000 for the State Fund for the Support of Media Development for the implementation of celebrative events marking the jubilee of the national press.
Under another Presidential Order, some 32 newspapers received AZN20,000 each, while 8 news agencies AZN10,000 each.
The President also conferred Taraggi medal upon 38 people for their contribution to developing the national press in Azerbaijan.

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