Year 2012 announced as Year of Sport in Azerbaijan

President Ilham Aliyev issued an executive order announcing 2012 as the "Year of Sport" at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the socio-economic outcomes in 2011 and tasks defined for 2012. 
Mentioning that London will host Summer Olympic Games in 2012, the President said: "This year which will host the international competition is important also for our country, 10 Olympic Sport complexes will be built in Azerbaijan and the construction of the Olympic stadium, gymnastic complex will enter an active stage and the overhaul of Tofig Bahramov Stadium will continue".
The Ministry of Youth and Sports, Cabinet of Ministers and other relevant departments were tasked to develop the actions plan on declaration of 2012 as the Year of Sport in the Republic of Azerbaijan and submit it to the Azerbaijani President within a month.



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