President Ilham Aliyev attended opening ceremony of Laki-Pireze-Khinakhli road

On May 1st the Laki-Pireze-Khinakhli road was opened in Agdash District.
The opening ceremony was attended by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
The fundamental changes taking place in the road transport infrastructure of the country in the past ten years manifest themselves in the regions. Trunk highways of the country have been completely revamped to modern standards. The roads and streets in Baku and district centers are being refurbished as well.
In accordance with the orders and instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, attention is now being paid to the repairs of local roads in the regions linking villages and towns, as well as settlements with each other. Serving as an indicator of a continuous strengthening of our economy, these measures reflect the care and attention of the state about the people living in all parts of the country. This process has become widespread in Agdash District. The Laki-Pireze-Khinakhli road has been completely reconstructed.
The head of state reviewed the stands reflecting the technical parameters of the road.
It was noted that major reconstruction of the 34-km road was launched in June last year. The Laki-Pireze-Khinakhli road connects 11 settlements and will generally benefit more than 20,000 people.
The President of Azerbaijan cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the road and drove down it.
Then, President Ilham Aliyev met with local residents.
The local population expressed their gratitude to the head of state.
In conclusion, a picture was taken.



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