President Ilham Aliyev opens complex of service buildings of Astara State Border Checkpoint

President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev attended the official opening of the newly constructed residential campus for the staff of the commandant of the border and frontier post, as well as the reconstructed complex of service buildings of Astara State Border Checkpoint.
Chief of State Border Service Elchin Guliyev informed the Head of the State that the newly constructed campus occupies a total area of 5 hectares.
An eight-storey building has 77 apartments.
The President praised conditions created here.
The campus also has a 50-seat kindergarten and a recreation park.
The Head of State handed over the apartment licenses to the servicemen.
President Ilham Aliyev then inspected newly reconstructed and remodeled service buildings of Astara State Border Checkpoint.


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