President Ilham Aliyev inspects reconstruction work to improve internal roads in Mashtaga

On September 2nd President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev inspected refurbishment and reconstruction work to improve internal roads in Mashtaga, Baku.
Under the instructions of the Head of State, expedient and consecutive measures have been taken to speed up socio-economic development of Baku and its suburbs, to improve and modernize the road and transport infrastructure of the capital. A special Plan of Action for 2011-2013 to speed up socio-economic development of Baku settlements envisages complete modernization of the road infrastructure, including construction of pedestrian passages, bridges and tunnels.
Mayor of Baku Hajibala Abutalibov informed the President on what had been done as part of execution of the State Program.
President Ilham Aliyev met with local residents, who expressed gratitude to the Head of State for attention to solving their problems.


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