President Ilham Aliyev attends ceremony to start drinking water supply from Kulullu reservoir to Kurdamir district

On August 7th Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended a ceremony to launch drinking water supply from Kulullu reservoir to Kurdamir District.
The Head of State made a speech at the ceremony.
Speaking on behalf of Kurdamir residents, chairman of the Association of the district`s Intelligentsia Sabir Novruzov thanked the President for his efforts to carry out overall development measures in the country, including in Kurdamir District.
The Head of State viewed photo stands reflecting “Plan of Kurdamir city water supply”, “Plan of the Kulullu-Kurdamir-Ujar-Zardab” water pipeline and work done in Kulullu water reservoir.
Chairman of Azersu company Gorkhmaz Huseynov informed President Ilham Aliyev of the “Reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems of Kurdamir city” project and Kulullu water reservoir.
He said the work under the “Reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems of Kurdamir city” project started in October, 2011. The system is capable of supplying water and sewerage services to up to 22,300 people considering the natural growth of city population by 2035. In order to support population`s demand for pure water, it is planned to use Kulullu water reservoir of Aghsu region. For this purpose, it was planned to build a central water drainage system working on self-propelling basis, of 32 kilometers length. As part of the project, the construction of 7,500 cubic meters water reservoir and construction of 190 kilometers of splitting pipelines were planned. The collection and transition of the waste water will be fulfilled through 175 kilometers of sewerage pipeline and 4 sewerage-pump stations. The waste water will be transmitted to the waste water purification plant outside the city, with transmittance capacity of 6,000 cubic meters of water a day.
Kulullu water reservoir alongside with Kurdamir city, will provide Zardab and Ujar cities and adjacent residential areas with drinking water.


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