Azerbaijani President hosts business lunch for group of U.S. congressmen

On May 29th a business lunch for a group of the U.S. congressmen was given in Baku on behalf of the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
In his welcoming address, President Ilham Aliyev expressed confidence that friendly relations between the two countries will be continued. Stressing that the partnership between the U.S. and Azerbaijan has great historical tradition, President Ilham Aliyev emphasized that both countries are interested in closer cooperation.
According to the President, Azerbaijan and the United States are proven and reliable friends. The President expressed hope that cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United States will give impetus to further strengthening the bilateral relations.
U.S. Senator Richard Lugar expressed gratitude to the President for warm hospitality and his impressive speech at the U.S.-Azerbaijan convention “Vision for Future”.
Stressing that “Vision for future” is a new experience in terms of further development of the relations, Lugar expressed confidence that US-Azerbaijani friendship will be expanded even more.


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