Azerbaijani, Ukrainian presidents meet

On December 12th Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovich.
The Azerbaijani President said:
“Dear Viktor Fyodorovich, welcome to Azerbaijan. I`m glad to see you once again. Although your visit it short-term, I believe we will be able to widely discuss many issues.
We have repeatedly discussed our bilateral relations. And I`m very happy that there is progress. There is obvious progress both in the political, economic and other spheres.
We are oriented towards long-term and diversified cooperation, and I`m confident that strategic partner relations between our countries will successfully develop. Welcome once again.”
The Ukrainian President said his visit was a good opportunity for discussing the expansion of the bilateral relations.
The Ukrainian leader recalled national leader Heydar Aliyev.
“I join those who commemorate a good friend of Ukraine Heydar Aliyev. You are continuing this tradition with dignity.”
President Viktor Yanukovich praised Azerbaijan`s successes.
“We are always happy for the successes of our friends, and I know that you have the same sincere attitude towards Ukraine. I think that we have traditional issues that we have to discuss in a sincere and friendly manner. I`m surely happy that Azerbaijan will host the first European Olympic Games.”


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