President Ilham Aliyev receives former and current Country Directors of World Bank`s regional office in South Caucasus

On June 18th President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Asad Alam, former Country Director of the World Bank's regional office in South Caucasus and Henry Kerali, who has been appointed as a new Head of the World Bank (WB) regional office in the South Caucasus.


The Head of Azerbaijani State thanked Asad Alam for his contribution to the development of ties between Azerbaijan and the World Bank.


President Ilham Aliyev said that very important projects have been implemented in Azerbaijan under the support of the World Bank. The President said that there are good opportunities for further cooperation between the World Bank and Azerbaijan in agriculture, healthcare, energy and other fields.


Asad Alam emphasized the role of the President Ilham Aliyev in intensification of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the World Bank.

Henry Kerali, who will replace Asad Alam at the World Bank's regional office in South Caucasus, for his part, said he will do his best for future benefits of the WB-Azerbaijan cooperation.



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