UN Secretary General and Azerbaijan, which chairs UN Security Council, host joint dinner in New York

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon participate in the dinner


A dinner was hosted on behalf of the UN Secretary General and Azerbaijan, which chairs the UN Security Council, in New York, on Friday.
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon participated in the dinner.
The Head of State Ilham Aliyev made a speech at the dinner:
Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the dinner!
Thank you for accepting our invitation. We spent the whole day discussing a number of important issues. I thank you for your contribution to the cooperation.
Today, we will continue discussing the topics of mutual interest. I am sure the discussions will be constructive. I want to again thank all those, who supported us. It is a momentous event for us.
It is one of the remarkable events in our history. We were elected to the UN Security Council. And we will chair it. I am very glad to be in this role and share such unforgettable moments with our friends.
I again welcome all of you and let me give floor to the Secretary General.


In his speech, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon congratulated Azerbaijan on its presidency of the UN Security Council.



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