Presidents of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan have expanded meeting

After meeting in private presidents Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and Almazbek Atambayev of Kyrgyzstan were joined by their delegations for an expanded meeting.
President Ilham Aliyev said the visit by the Kyrgyz leader demonstrated how much importance was attached to the development of the bilateral relations.
"I`m confident that our relations have beautiful future. Today we have already exchanged views on the bilateral relations, regional political issues."
The Azerbaijani leader stressed the importance of his Kyrgyz counterpart`s visit.
"This is an opportunity to once again familiarize oneself with Azerbaijan after a long break. And the most important is to explore ways of developing our bilateral relations, which entered a very promising stage."
"I hope your visit will be a success, and contribute to bringing our people closer to each other," the Azerbaijan President added.
Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev stressed the importance of "elevating our relations to a very new level".
He praised Azerbaijan`s development: "I`m happy and proud that Azerbaijan has changed so much. I was here 21 years ago. And yesterday and today I saw that Azerbaijan has become completely another. This is because unlike us, you are lucky in terms of presidents. You have had good foundations since 1993, and it is continuing today, so Azerbaijan is developing, prospering."
The Kyrgyz leader also hailed Azerbaijan`s international image.



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