President Ilham Aliyev opens Kursangi-Yolustu inter-village road in Salyan region

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated Kursangi-Yolustu inter-village road in the Salyan region on Tuesday.
The Head of State cut the ribbon symbolizing the official opening of the road.
President Ilham Aliyev was updated on the work carried out in the inter-village road.
It runs through Kursangi, Birinji Varli, Yolustu and Yeni Ulikhanli villages.
The road will allow solving transportation problems of about 10 thousand residents from villages of Peyk and Ikinji Varli.
The length of the road is 23, 5 km and width is 10 meter.
The President was told that the road was rebuilt with financing of the President`s Reserve Fund.
President Ilham Aliyev met with the residents.
The Head of State posed for photographs together with the residents.



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