President Ilham Aliyev received Secretary General of Gas Exporting Countries Forum

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum Yury Sentyurin.

The head of state thanked Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum Yury Sentyurin for his participation in the inauguration of the Southern Gas Corridor.

Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum Yury Sentyurin stressed the importance of the official opening of the Southern Gas Corridor and expressed his gratitude for inviting him to this event. Yury Sentyurin said he saw incredible development during this visit to Baku.

The head of state noted the successful cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum.

Yury Sentyurin emphasized that Azerbaijan has contributed to strengthening the activity of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum since joining the organization as an observer.

They exchanged views over cooperation prospects.


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