President Ilham Aliyev launched Bahmatli electrical substation in Zagatala

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today attended the opening of 110/35/10 KV Bahmatli electrical substation in Zagatala district.

Chairman of Azerishig Open Joint Stock Company Baba Rzayev informed the head of state of the technical indicators of the substation.

Extensive landscaping work was carried out around the substation, green areas were created here.

Bahmatli substation will ensure high quality supply of electricity to about 9,000 consumers of Bahramli, Suvagil, Dagli, Mosul, Yengiyan, Lahij, Kurdamir, Muganli, Gandakh, Kapanakchi, Chudulubina and Aliabad settlements.

President Ilham Aliyev then launched the substation.

Then a photo was taken.


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