President Ilham Aliyev viewed tobacco processing plant in Zagatala

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today familiarized himself with the activity of a tobacco processing plant of Azertutun LLC in Zagatala. President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mammad Musayev and chairman of the Board of Directors of Azertutun LLC Fazil Rustamov informed the head of state about the plant.

The President was told that the annual processing capacity of the plant in one shift is 3300-3600 tons. Azertutun LLC was founded in 2007. This plant of the company was commissioned in 2010. The plant is supplied with modern equipment from the USA, Italy and Bulgaria. In 2016, the plant processed and sold 1039 tons of "Virginia" sorts of dry tobacco. The plant is expected to process 2300 tons of tobacco in 2017.


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