
Minister: Azerbaijan has become important player in oil market stabilization process

22.06.2018 | Readed: 687

“Azerbaijan has become an important player in the oil market stabilization process,” said Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov as he addressed the 7th International Seminar of the......

UN resident coordinator: Azerbaijan’s constitution based on human rights and freedoms

21.06.2018 | Readed: 408

 Azerbaijan’s constitution is based on human rights and freedoms, UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Ghulam Isaczai said. Isaczai made the remarks at the 15th Baku......

Turkey conducting operations on border with Iran

21.06.2018 | Readed: 396

 The Turkish Armed Forces are conducting operations on the Iran-Iraq border as part of the fight against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorist group, Turkish media reported June......

Russia is neighbor of Turkey, not US - PM

21.06.2018 | Readed: 403

 Russia is our neighbor, not the US, and Ankara is obliged to improve relations with its historical neighbor, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said, commenting on Turkish-Russian relations, the Turkish media reported on June......

Prices for precious metals vary in Azerbaijan

21.06.2018 | Readed: 632

 The prices of main precious metals varied in Azerbaijan on June 21, according to the data published by the country’s Central Bank. The cost of gold decreased by 14.374 manats to 2,151.758 manats per ounce in Azerbaijan compared to......

Azerbaijani defense minister talks army’s success at frontline

21.06.2018 | Readed: 432

 Azerbaijan achieved success at the frontline in anticipation of centenary of the country’s Armed Forces, defense minister, Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov said. He was......

First ever live computer-human debate: Who won?

21.06.2018 | Readed: 436

Computers are increasingly competing against humans to see whether man or machine is smarter. İn the latest demonstration of artificial intelligence or AI, a computer went up against humans in live, public debates. The debates – held this week in......

Norwegian Study: IQ Scores dropped for decades

21.06.2018 | Readed: 425

A major study carried out in Norway suggests IQ scores among men there have been falling since the mid-1970s. The study involved more than 700,000 men born to Norwegian couples between 1962 and 1991. The research was carried out by Oslo’s Ragnar......

Divers search indonesian lake for nearly 200 missing after Ferry Sinks

21.06.2018 | Readed: 410

Relatives of the more than 190 people missing after a boat sank on Lake Toba in Sumatra have asked government officials for a bigger search. The families also criticized the İndonesian government for ignoring unsafe conditions on passenger......

US has separated families throughout history

21.06.2018 | Readed: 411

Many Americans are expressing shock at the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the United States’ border with Mexico. But throughout U.S. history, officials have taken such action. Here are some......

Millions Take Time to Breathe on International Day of Yoga

21.06.2018 | Readed: 446

The number of people who do yoga around the world has been growing steadily in the last 40 years. People in more than 180 countries will do the breathing and movement exercise on this year’s International Yoga Day. It is officially observed on June......

From Beji Caid Essebsi, President of the Republic of Tunisia

21.06.2018 | Readed: 587

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On the occasion of the......

Turkish servicemen arrive in Azerbaijan

21.06.2018 | Readed: 397

Nearly one hundred Turkish servicemen have arrived in Baku to attend celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Armed......

"Nakhchivan, the Capital of Islamic Culture-2018" events solemnly open

21.06.2018 | Readed: 644

The opening ceremony of "Nakhchivan, the Capital of Islamic Culture-2018" events has been held in Nakhchivan State Musical Drama......

Baku hosts second meeting of Azerbaijan-Vietnam Intergovernmental Commission

21.06.2018 | Readed: 645

The second meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam......

Participants of international conference pay respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani martyrs

21.06.2018 | Readed: 631

Participants of the 15th Baku International Conference of Ombudspersons have visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of national leader, founder and architect of modern......

Junior Azerbaijani wrestlers win six European medals in Hungary

21.06.2018 | Readed: 748

Junior Azerbaijani wrestlers have brought home a clutch of six medals, including a gold from the European Championships in Gyor,......

US quits 'biased' UN human rights council

20.06.2018 | Readed: 429

The US has pulled out of the United Nations Human Rights Council, BBC News reported. The body is "hypocritical and self-serving" and "makes a mockery of human rights", said Nikki......

More nonsense from Armenian Foreign Ministry?

20.06.2018 | Readed: 435

The Armenian Foreign Ministry has turned from the diplomatic mission into a herald of propaganda forces, which are looking for an excuse to damage Azerbaijan’s image, political analyst, professor of the Western Caspian University of......

Iraqi oil minister hopes OPEC to reach final deal on Friday

20.06.2018 | Readed: 538

Iraqi Oil Minister Jabar Luaibi said on Tuesday that Baghdad was not considering an increase in oil production in the framework of the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) and non-OPEC oil output cut......

Five injured after battery explodes at Tube station in north London

20.06.2018 | Readed: 381

At least five people have been wounded after an explosion at a Tube station in north London, according to Sky News. Three of them were treated for minor injuries at the scene at......

City council member: Azerbaijan-Israel ties to further flourish

20.06.2018 | Readed: 633

The Azerbaijan-Israel relations will further flourish, Aviran Mishiev, member of the city council of the Israeli city of Tirat Carmel, who was born and brought up in Baku, said in an interview with STMEGI, news website of Mountain......

Afghan Taliban Resume fighting after 3-day cease-fire ends

20.06.2018 | Readed: 396

The Afghan Taliban attacked security forces in at least nine provinces Monday, making good on a threat to resume fighting, even as the government extended by 10 days a unilateral......

Deadly Earthquake Hits Near Osaka, Japan

20.06.2018 | Readed: 428

A deadly earthquake struck near Osaka, Japan early Monday, causing hundreds of casualties, damaging buildings and leaving many homes without water or gas. The epicenter of the 6.1-magnitude earthquake was just north of Osaka at a depth of 13......

Pentagon suspends August Military drills with South Korea

20.06.2018 | Readed: 384

The Pentagon on Monday formally suspended a major military exercise planned for August with South Korea, a much-anticipated move stemming from President Donald Trump's nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong......

Tobacco: What you don't know can kill you

20.06.2018 | Readed: 412

İt is widely known that smoking tobacco can damage the lungs. But many people do not know that it can also cause heart disease and stroke. That information comes from World Health Organization (WHO) officials in Geneva,......

South Korea Discusses Suspending Joint Military Exercises

20.06.2018 | Readed: 431

South Korean officials are reacting carefully to the expected suspension of large U.S.-South. An announcement could come this week to suspend the major joint military exercises, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reports. Those exercises usually......

Germany, Brazil struggle in opening World Cup matches

20.06.2018 | Readed: 429

Germany and Brazil joined the list of top teams struggling to win their opening matches at the 2018 FIFA World Cup soccer tournament in Russia. Defending World Cup champion Germany suffered a 1-0 loss to Mexico on Sunday. Just a few hours later, Brazil......

Americans divided over family separation policy

20.06.2018 | Readed: 382

The policy of separating children from parents illegally seeking entry at the United States border is dividing Americans. More Republicans spoke out against the policy as Democrats called for changes. İn April, the administration of President Donald......

Russia’s record-breaking $15 billion World Cup Price tag: what does it buy?

20.06.2018 | Readed: 400

The FIFA World Cup in Russia is the most expensive ever, with an official price tag of $15 billion. Close to $3 billion has been spent on 12 new or upgraded stadiums, and at least another $8 billion on infrastructure, including new roads, railroads and......

Russia hopes to present 'Fresh Face' for world cup amid global isolation

20.06.2018 | Readed: 386

The phrase 'don't mix politics and sport' is often heard in Moscow these days. But it's difficult to escape the unique circumstances of this year's World Cup. As the tournament gets underway in Russia, the country remains subject to a range of international......

Azerbaijani singer ranks third at “Voice of Astana”

20.06.2018 | Readed: 708

Azerbaijani opera singer Ilham Nazarov has ranked third at an international competition “Voice of......

Azerbaijan`s Elite Horse & Polo Club rank second at World Cup in Baku

20.06.2018 | Readed: 683

Azerbaijan`s Elite Horse & Polo Club have finished second at the sixth Arena Polo World Cup in Baku after losing 7-6 to German Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf in the......

Spectacular opening ceremony of FIFA World Cup held in Moscow

20.06.2018 | Readed: 474

A spectacular opening ceremony of the 2018 FIFA World Cup has been held at the Luzhniki Stadium in......

Chairman of Nakhchivan`s Supreme Assembly meets with Moldovan ambassador

14.06.2018 | Readed: 639

Chairman of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic`s Supreme Assembly Vasif Talibov has met with Moldovan Ambassador to Azerbaijan George......

President Ilham Aliyev met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow

14.06.2018 | Readed: 514

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has met with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in......

Russia has lowest-rated team at 2018 World Cup

14.06.2018 | Readed: 655

Russia is making final preparations for the 2018 World Cup. The championship of international football opens this Thursday, and will continue until July 15. Football, or European football, is known as soccer in the United States. At the start of World......

North America to hold the 2026 FIFA World Cup

14.06.2018 | Readed: 439

World soccer’s governing body, FIFA, selected Canada, Mexico and the United States to host the 2026 World Cup. On Wednesday, FIFA member countries voted 134-65 for the three nations......

E-cigarette sellers offer financial aid to students

14.06.2018 | Readed: 430

Some manufacturers of electronic cigarettes are offering financial aid to students who write about the possible benefits of using their products. The financial aid – worth $250 to $5,000 – can be used at colleges or universities in the United......

Nearly 70 percent of americans report 'News Fatigue'

14.06.2018 | Readed: 419

It is difficult to avoid the news these days. Some cable television stations report on the news 24 hours a day. The internet has a nearly endless supply of news websites. It also is easy to find all kinds of news stories on social media. When combined,......

Erdogan says Turkey's Growth Confirms his economic policies

14.06.2018 | Readed: 420

Turkey is busy preparing for elections later this month. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hopes to be re-elected in the June 24 vote. Erdogan says the latest reports on the Turkish economy show his economic policies are working. Voters and international......

China Ban on Foreign Waste Creates Crisis for Recycling Businesses

14.06.2018 | Readed: 449

Waste recycling businesses have profited from low shipping costs for empty containers returning to China after the ships had unloaded their goods on the U.S. West Coast. Today, very little waste is being shipped to China. The reason: China’s decision......

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