Turkey demands to investigate situation on use of Canadian weapons by PKK terrorists

Turkey approached Canada to investigate the fact of the use of weapons of Canadian production by the terrorists of PKK, Turkish media reports.

Earlier, number of Canadian local media spread the article "Canadian-made assault rifle turns up in hands of terrorists" by Canadian author that says PKK terrorists used Canadian NEA-15.

This fact was revealed during the special operation of the Armed Forces of Turkey in the province of Mardin, where during the search of the cave Canadian machine guns were found.

The article by the Canadian author states that weapons are manufactured in Ontario by North Eastern Arms. The author also quotes the representative of the company, who stated that the sale of weapons was carried out "with the consent of the Canadian government."

The article also notes the fact that in 2016, military formations in the north of Iraq were supplied with NEA-15. Along with this, according to the article, representatives of the company made a visit to the region. "In the same year, more than 1,000 weapons were delivered from Canada to Iraq," the author notes.


Masaim Abdullayev,

“Khalq qazeti”

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