To His Excellency Mr. Abdullah Gul, the President of the Republic of Turkey

Distinguished Mr. President,
Dear brother,


On my own behalf and on behalf of the Azerbaijani people, I sincerely congratulate you and all people of Turkey on the occasion of the public holiday - the Republic Day of the fraternal Turkey.
Today Turkey has become one of the leading countries of the region with its political influence and economic power.
We are happy and proud of all achievements of Turkey on the international scale.
The Azerbaijan-Turkey unity, alliance and partnership, which come from unanimous will of our people, is a vivid evidence of our fraternal feelings.
The unprecedented successes, which we achieved on the basis of the bilateral cooperation, are an expression of our hopes of the prosperity of our countries, welfare of fraternal peoples and establishment of peace in the region.
I`m sure the strong partnership relations between our peoples, which have deep historical roots, will pave the way for new achievements.
On this remarkable day, dear Mr. President, I wish you robust health, successes in your activities, and the fraternal Turkey peace and prosperity.





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