From Nicolas Chamussy, Executive Vice-President of Space Systems, President of Airbus Defence and Space France

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Your Excellency,

Dear President Aliyev,

I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations on your recent election and to reiterate my sincere thanks for the very open discussions we had in Paris in March 2017.

I am very delighted that the space cooperation with Airbus has been so positively regarded by your country. The Azersky satellite is a very successful first step in the development of a global space observation solution for the benefit of the sovereignty and economy of Azerbaijan. It would be my pleasure to come to Baku in order to continue our strategic discussion especially in the field of space.


Nicolas Chamussy

Executive Vice-President of Space Systems,

President of Airbus Defence and Space France

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