From Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America

Dear Mr. President, 

On behalf of the American people, Melania and I send our warm greetings to you and the people of Azerbaijan as you celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Muslims in the United States joined those around the world during the holy month of Ramadan to focus on acts of faith and charity. Here in the United States, Muslims commemorate Eid with families and friends, continuing the tradition of helping neighbors and breaking bread with those from all walks of life.

As we celebrate this holiday together, we are reminded of the importance of mercy, compassion, and goodwill. On this occasion, the United States renews our shared commitment with Azerbaijan to honor these values.

Once again, I wish you and the people of Azerbaijan a blessed holiday.

Eid Mubarak.


Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America

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