His Excellency Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your state holiday – Russia Day.

The Russian Federation has made great strides in public and political and socio-economic fields. Changes within your country as well as the steps taken in the field of foreign policy have contributed to ensuring stability, building a cohesive society and improving Russia`s image and strengthening its influence on the international arena.

Azerbaijan and Russia are bound together by centuries-old ties of friendship and mutual respect. Based on these traditions, Azerbaijani-Russian inter-governmental relations are comprehensively developing and being enriched with new content.

I am confident that we will continue to strengthen our strategic partnership in the best interests of our nations to ensure peace, good neighbourliness and stability in the region and expand our mutually beneficial cooperation in a variety of fields.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, on this remarkable day, I wish you robust health and success, and the friendly people of Russia peace and prosperity.


Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, 9 June 2017

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