From Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dear Ilham Heydarovich,

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday.

I am very happy to see overall achievements of Azerbaijan – dynamic development of the economy, improvement of the society`s welfare and the country`s strengthening image and statehood in the world. I highly value and cherish our friendly and trusting relationship, which further strengthened after my recent fruitful visit to your beautiful country.

I am confident that our striving for the elevation of Belarus-Azerbaijan cooperation to a qualitatively higher level will give tangible results in the nearest feature in the best interests of the brotherly people of our countries.

Dear Ilham Heydarovich, I wholeheartedly wish you, your relatives and loved ones further success, robust health and happiness.


Alexander Lukashenko
President of the Republic of Belarus

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