Deputy Head of Presidential Administration: With is unfounded statements US Department of State wants to spoil Azerbaijan`s international image

On October 15, the US Department of State`s spokesperson made another groundless statement on Azerbaijan. AzerTAc asked Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, head of the Administration`s Foreign Relations Department Novruz Mammadov to comment on the issue.
- Mr. Mammadov, what do you think of the October 15 statement of the US Department of State?
- Unfortunately, the US Department of State`s spokesperson has made a number of groundless, untrue statements about Azerbaijan recently. This appears to be a more acceptable way of interfering into a country`s internal affairs and exerting pressure on it.
It would be better for the Department of State, which claims to act under the banner of the rule of law, to make a statement on the situation and rights of a million Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs, which have been deprived of all their rights for more than 20 years, instead of financially and morally assisting aggressor Armenia and the separatist regime of the Nagorno-Karabakh over these years.
The Department of State, which claims to act under the banner of the rule of law, would be better making a single just statement on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict under an international legal framework that the country itself created.
But the United States disregards such important issues, and thinks that raising the issues of human rights and freedoms whenever it wants is solely its international responsibility, while the Department of State wants to cast shadow – through its spokesperson – on Azerbaijan`s cooperation with the European Union and the USA, and spoil Azerbaijan`s international image.



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