Ali Hasanov: “President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Iran laid the foundation of new stages in the development of relations”

Head of the Department of Social and Political Affairs at Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov has been interviewed by APA Information Agency.
AzerTAc presents the full text of the interview:
- What issues were discussed during the visit of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to Iran?
- As you know, this is the third official visit of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev o Iran. In January, 2014, Azerbaijani and Iranian presidents met at the Davos Economic Forum and discussed different aspects of bilateral relations. On April 9, Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Iran was at high level, contributed to the development of relations between our countries and will serve to development of bilateral cooperation. During his visit, Ilham Aliyev met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and other officials. In these meeting, all aspects of Iran-Azerbaijan relations were discussed. During the negotiations of President Ilham Aliyev with the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, current situation and future perspectives of the political, economic and humanitarian cooperation between two countries were discussed. Especially, they discussed cooperation in mutual capital investment, energy, transport, emergency situations, information-communication technologies, infrastructure, culture, youths-sport and other spheres.
After face to face meeting of the heads of state, documents on several spheres were signed between Azerbaijan and Iran. The sides signed “Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in Youths and Sport spheres”, “Memorandum of understanding on management of emergency situations”, “Memorandum of understanding on meteorology and related issues”, “Contract on construction and exploitation of Ordubad and Marazad Water Power Stations”. These documents will contribute to cooperation between our countries.
The enthusiasm, mutual understanding in the warm condition during the visit of Azerbaijani President to Iran also continued during the meeting of head of state with Iranian Supreme Leader Seyyed Ali Khamenei. Mr. Khamenei expressed his assurance that Azerbaijani President’s visit to Iran will serve to extension of cooperation between these countries and said that his country supports Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. Note that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also stressed Iran’s this principal position on the settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which is significant for Azerbaijan, in his statement for press. Iranian president underlined that all conflicts in the region, as well as Karabakh conflict should be settled in accordance with the international law and justice, the geographical borders in the region should not be changed.
- Media outlets released information that there were some dissatisfying issues in the relations between Azerbaijan and Iran. Were these issues discussed?
- The discussions showed that there are not serious factors to negatively influence the development of relations between Iran and Azerbaijan. Iran and Azerbaijan are not only neighbour countries, but also countries having joint history, religious and cultural value. These countries have their own domestic and foreign policy, strategic choice, view on global and regional processes. Both these issues and joint and private interests are taken into account in the interstates bilateral relations. Along with this, we always witnessed efforts by certain powers on undermining bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Iran, forming disloyalty atmosphere between our countries creating artificial problems. These issues also were discussed at the meeting of heads of state and it was decided that such cases should be determined and prevented timely.
It was also noted at the meeting that media outlets of both countries bear responsibility in this sphere. In some cases, preconceived and biased information is broadcasted or posted on the media without checking. Unfortunately, such cases are observed in both Azerbaijani and Iranian media. Therefore, heads of state decided that to prevent such cases, relevant structures of the both countries should increase contacts, establish different joint commissions. I think that these decisions will play an important role in the prevention of previous negative cases.
- How do you assess the results of the visit? How will Azerbaijani President’s visit influence the future development of Iran-Azerbaijan relations?
- Process of the visit, signed contracts, especially meeting of the heads of state and statements for media show that existing relations between Iran and Azerbaijan will develop in the future too. Development outlines of future relations between the countries are clear. They have consensus on regional and global processes. The presidents expressed their interests in successful development of cooperation in all spheres and highly appreciated existing opportunities. Azerbaijani President expressed his satisfaction with existing situation of cooperation within both bilateral and international levels, as well as the organizations such as UN, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), ECO, Non-Aligned Movement. Positions of both presidents show that extension of interstate cooperation in political, economic and humanitarian spheres will be more profitable in the future. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani especially stressed that there is not any obstacle in his country for development of relations. The negotiations show that existing sincere relations, mutual cooperation are in favour of both peoples and will serve to ensuring regional peace and security in the future. I think that Azerbaijani President’s visit to Iran was a beginning of an important stage for development of friendship and partnership relations between two countries and deepening mutual cooperation. He visit also proved that Iran-Azerbaijan relations serve to mutual interests.


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