One of the landmark events of the out-going year was the opening of the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovations and “ASAN” Service Center in Baku

To this end, head of the department on work with law-enforcement bodies of Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fuad Alasgarov in his interview to the AzerTAc correspondent, in particular, said:

-How do you assess the results of the year?

- The outgoing 2012 will be remembered with its substantial socio-economic development, the success of Azerbaijan on the international arena, the number of significant reforms in government, institutional changes, new technologies and innovations. Here, I would note the decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued on July 13 and September 5, on the establishment and organization of the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the “ASAN” Service Center. On December 29, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Agency and the “ASAN” Service Center #1.

-What is the primary goal of the Center?

-Both decrees mark the purposes and principles of the “ASAN” Service centers, give specific instructions to improve and ensure the transparency of services provided to citizens.
The main goal of the “ASAN” Service Center is ensuring satisfaction of citizens and transparency in the provision of legal services by state agencies, the exclusion of corruption facts, the introduction of modern technology, the formation of a citizen of the new way of thinking – in regard with civil servant – the approach of “the obligation of civil servant is to ensure the rights of citizens.”
Mr. President tasked to provide services in these centers based on the efficiency, transparency, courtesy, responsibility and convenience. That is, services should be delivered promptly and transparently, you must follow the rules of ethical behavior, responsible approach to his duties and to ensure maximum convenience of citizens who use the services. In short, while performing their duties, the state bodies should ensure the satisfaction of citizens.
During the opening of the “ASAN” Service center, President Ilham Aliyev gave additional instructions to further improve services and identified the main task to ensure citizens' requests at a high level.

-What are the new technologies and methods to be used in the “ASAN” Service centers?

-This is the first “ASAN” Service Center, which will start to operate since January 15. Similar centers are to be opened in several districts of Baku and regions.
The “ASAN” Service Center has implemented a number of works for the provision of services to citizens by government agencies at a better level and in a new style, with modern innovations.
In the “ASAN” Service center, it will be realized reception to base on electronic queue. Installed in the Center, the electronic boards and signs will facilitate access to information. The Center is equipped with computers, broadband Internet connection, available are necessary conditions for the use of all kinds of electronic services.
It is ensured integration of the set installed in the heart of data-center with the information systems of other government agencies, which allows through government databases to obtain information about the relevant documents required for the provision of services, without requiring them from citizens.
In addition, to effectively spend their time while waiting in the center, there are functioning auxiliary services - children's entertainment center, medical service, a laboratory for blood tests, cafe, bank and post office, photo studio, in order to pay the fee for the services there is pay point, ATMs.
Through the Call Center established here, the citizen may not come to the Center, and receive information on the internet or phone on all types of services, required documents, and stand in a queue. At the same time, the Call Center will provide information services to citizens through the video input. Functioning of the Center is scheduled for late January.
Established in the Agency, the innovation center will provide research to facilitate public services, testing innovative ideas, and the organization of trainings for government employees on the use of modern information technology.

-What measures are taken to prevent corruption?

-As you know, in order to minimize direct contact between the government and the citizen, elimination of cases for corruption, Mr. President gave serious instructions to accelerate the transition to electronic services.
Center for Innovation, analyzing each service provided by the government agencies, will work on the creation and improvement of appropriate software, information systems, databases, and e-services for registry services in electronic form.
In Europe, the concept of e-government gives way to the concept of mobile-government. In a number of leading European states, they have already launched a new concept, and achieved positive results. In the Center of Innovation there will be a project for the use of the country's mobile-government concept and introduced a number of services.
In the Center, in order to eliminate corruption, in the each service “window” the procedure of services will be continuously recorded by video cameras.
The Agency will monitor the quality and transparency of services rendered here, the observation of the ethical norms and assessing of the services, constantly inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the results of the assessment and the negative facts.
Finally, I would note that the “ASAN” Service, as a modern innovative concept has already attracted the attention of a number of states and international organizations, which show strong interest in its activities.

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