Switzerland is keen in developing cooperation with Azerbaijan’

“Switzerland, being an open-minded and open market-driven economy, is looking for joint activities and potential with the friendly Azerbaijan, which is situated in the Caucasus, in the Caspian region,” said head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann.

“First of all, our bilateral relations are very good and we have been collaborating for long years. We are here in Azerbaijan with our business delegation because we are successfully cooperating in the business environment as well. We have companies like Holchim and other ones from pharmaceutical sectors which are interested in strengthening commercial relations with Azerbaijan,” Schneider-Ammann noted.

Touching upon the importance of the "One Belt, One Road” project, he said that Switzerland intends to strongly collaborate with Azerbaijan in the field of economy.

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