Ambassador Rana: India, Azerbaijan share a lot of values, especially cultural ones

Indian ambassador in Baku Sanjay Rana has said his country shares a lot of common values with Azerbaijan.

“This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and India. The relations between the Indian and Azerbaijani peoples have a very ancient history. We share a lot of values, especially in the field of culture,” he told AZERTAC.

Ambassador Rana emphasized that India is one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan's independence.

He hailed Azerbaijan`s achievements over the past 25 years. “Azerbaijan's economy is rapidly developing and it gives us opportunities to expand cooperation. In recent years, Azerbaijan has made great strides in agriculture. India has great experience in agriculture, especially in cotton and tobacco production, and we can share this experience.”

The ambassador commended Azerbaijan for attaching importance to the development of information technology and education.

Ambassador Rana also pointed to opportunities for cooperation in the fields of renewable energy, space industry, and culture.

He also said India and Azerbaijan enjoy excellent relations within international organizations, including the UN.

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