UN Secretary-General: Baku Process has been at the forefront of advocating for dialogue among cultures since 2008

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stressed the role of Baku Process in promoting dialogue among cultures.

“The World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, organized by the Government of Azerbaijan in cooperation with UNESCO, the Alliance of Civilizations, UNWTO, the Council of Europe and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has established itself as a key global platform for promoting intercultural dialogue,” said the report “Promotion of a culture of peace and interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace” submitted by the Secretary-General to the UN General Assembly.

“The fourth biennial Forum, on the theme “Advancing intercultural dialogue: new avenues for human security, peace and sustainable development”, held in Baku early in May 2017, hosted more participants, events and sessions than any previous edition, while its high-level dimension was enhanced by a high-level meeting on countering violent extremism through girls’ education and a ministerial meeting.”

“During the two-day event, around 800 stakeholders from more than 120 countries discussed sharing resources, knowledge and experience, opening up new avenues for joint thinking and action towards the aspirations of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures, Sustainable Development Goal 16 to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, and the Baku Process, which has been at the forefront of advocating for dialogue among cultures since 2008,” the UN Secretary-General said.



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