‘Iran keen to develop cooperation with Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea’

“Iran intends to enhance cooperation with Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea,” said Mayor of the Iranian city of Anzali, Mir Shams Mominzade, in his interview with AZERTAC.

He noted that Iran is interested in expanding bilateral ties on the issues of security and protection of public order of the Caspian littoral states. “Azerbaijan and Iran have necessary infrastructure on the seafront. We can carry out freight and passenger transportation by using it efficiently. Establishment of relations between Azerbaijan and the ports of the Caspian Sea could provide a great impetus for the cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism and transport. These relations are necessary for both countries,” he said.

Shams Mominzade also noted that Azerbaijan has great economic potential and the country’s economy will benefit from reforms implemented in the non-oil sector in the future.

Rabil Katanov
Special Correspondent

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