Azerbaijan slams Michigan Senate`s resolution recognizing Armenia-created separatist regime in its occupied lands

Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denounced a resolution by the Senate of Michigan, US, which recognizes a separatist regime created by the Armenian armed forces in Azerbaijan`s occupied territories. “The US foreign policy is set by the federal government, which, in line with its international commitments, recognizes and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders,” said the ministry`s spokesperson Hikmat Hajiyev.

He mentioned that the US Government expressed this attitude in the final statement adopted during the meeting among the GUAM Foreign Ministers Council and the US held on the sidelines of the 72th session of the UN General Assembly on September 22.

“The statement reaffirmed the US`s commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the GUAM member countries in accordance with the Helsinki Final Act. The statement also expressed concern over the threats of the use of force against the GUAM member states,” he said. “Instead of contributing to the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through substantial negotiations mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and the promotion of sustainable peace in the region, the Armenian lobby in Armenia and in the US and certain persons influenced by the Armenian lobby continue to be ridiculously engaged with such unnecessary activities,” Hajiyev added.


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