German MP condemns Armenian shelling of Azerbaijani civilian population

In his response to an enquiry by the Berlin office of The European Azerbaijan Society regarding the killing of Sahiba Guliyeva and her two-year-old granddaughter Zahra Guliyeva due to Armenian shelling of the civilian population of the Alkhanly village in the Fuzuli district, Bundestag member from CDU Olav Gutting made a statement.

“We have received with grave consternation the sad news of the deaths of Sahiba Guliyeva (50) and her two year old granddaughter Zahra Guliyeva in the Azerbaijani region Fuzuli. Both became victims of heavy mortar attacks by Armenian forces, which yet again launched strikes against the Azerbaijani civilian population out of the illegally occupied territories around Nagorno-Karabakh. Furthermore, civilians on the Azerbaijani side have been severely wounded. These escalations are extremely worrisome and threaten the very important peaceful negotiation process,” he said.

“Therefore I ask for the immediate suspension of attacks that target the civilian population and for the abidance by the ceasefire agreement. I furthermore ask both parties to seek for a peaceful solution at the negotiation table. Nagorno-Karabakh and the seven surrounding regions are and will remain an integral part of the sovereign territory of the republic of Azerbaijan, which has also been expressed several times by various resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations. Only the immediate withdrawal of troops and forces of Armenia can lead to a sustainable and longterm solution of the conflict and to an avoidance of further innocent victims out of the civilian population,” Gutting added.


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