'Baku has become a comfortable venue for meetings of CIS institutions'

“Baku has become a convenient venue for meetings of various institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States,” chairman of the Executive Committee and Executive Secretary of CIS Sergey Lebedev has told journalists. “The Azerbaijani capital has recently hosted a meeting of the Council of Heads of the CIS Security and Intelligence Agencies, and the Baku International Humanitarian Forum which was attended by representatives of the member states of the commonwealth. And today Baku is hosting the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of Migration Bodies of member states of the CIS."

Lebedev noted that Baku is a good venue to address the migration problems. "I express my gratitude for the organization of the event and for the hospitality and attention to the participating countries. Currently, the migration problems are pressing issues not only for the CIS countries, but also for the entire world. The migration challenges in the north of Africa, Europe and in the Middle East is a telling evidence of this," Lebedev added.

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