Taller people at greater risk of cancer

Every four inches in height increases the risk of cancer by 20 per cent, researchers found in the largest study of its kind, according to the Telegraph.

Tall people are more likely to get cancer, with the risk of some types of the disease increasing by as much as 30 per cent for every four inches of height, a major new study has found.

The risk of cancer increases with height among both men and women, according to researchers in Sweden who conducted the largest ever long-term study into the issue in both sexes.

Researchers analysed the health of 5.5 million adults born between 1938 and 1991, with heights ranging from 3ft 3ins to 7ft 4ins.

They found that for every 10cm (four inch) increase in height, the risk of developing some form of cancer increased by 18 per cent among women, and 11 per cent among men.


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