10.12.2013 | Readed: 3615
On December 9th the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Chinese Academy of Governance signed a Memorandum on cooperation.
The document was signed as part of a visit of the Academy’s rector,......
10.12.2013 | Readed: 4098
BP has presented eleven world class laboratories to the Baku-based Qafqaz University as part of the company`s commitment to supporting the development of the country`s national experts and workforce potential through training, partnerships and sponsorship of......
23.11.2013 | Readed: 6856
The Moscow State University Baku Branch held a roundtable “Research Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasilogy after Nizami Ganjavi at the Oxford University”.
The event was attended by Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Elchin Efendiyev, vice president of the......
13.11.2013 | Readed: 5202
The 2nd Congress of Young CIS Orientalists has kicked off at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).
Themed “Eastern societies: tradition and modernity”, the event is co-organized by the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of......
07.11.2013 | Readed: 5376
An Austrian delegation, including Ambassador to Azerbaijan Silvia Mayer-Kaybic, Deputy Director for Energy and Mining at the Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth Arthur Maurer, and professor at Montan University of Leoben Herbert Hofstatter, has visited the Baku......
05.11.2013 | Readed: 4486
Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and University of Glasgow have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
The memorandum was signed by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at ADA Patrick Quinn and Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Social Sciences of University......
02.11.2013 | Readed: 4529
Round table on the “Scientific Innovations and their Transfer into Education” has kicked off as a part of the 3rd Baku International Humanitarian Forum.
Baku State University (BSU) rector, academician Abel Maharramov has made a speech at the event.......
31.10.2013 | Readed: 3944
A memorandum of understanding on establishing the Scientific Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasian Studies named after Nizami Ganjavi at the Oxford University has been signed as part of the visit of Moscow State University Baku branch rector, co-chairperson of the......
27.08.2013 | Readed: 4729
British portal “The Pie News” has posted an article about the State Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad.
The article says: “A further 29 Azerbaijani students have been awarded scholarships to study in Europe and North America following......
17.08.2013 | Readed: 4837
A delegation comprising nine US congressmen visited the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA).
The Congressmen representing the states of Pennsylvania, South Carolina, California, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, Michigan, and New-York visited the new campus of......
15.07.2013 | Readed: 6717
On July 13th the Baku branch of Moscow State University after M. Lomonosov held a graduation ceremony.
Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin, staff members of Moscow State University and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, ministers,......
02.07.2013 | Readed: 4350
Baku High Oil Scholl and French Petroleum Institute signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation as part of French Petroleum Institute`s rector Philippe Pinchon`s visit.
The memorandum envisages development of cooperation between Baku High Oil Scholl......
18.06.2013 | Readed: 4313
On June 14th The first Azerbaijani-French Forum of Universities took place at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA).
Participants discussed priorities in higher education system in Azerbaijan and France, as well as ways of the ways of enhancing......
12.06.2013 | Readed: 4768
On June 11th Azerbaijan`s First Lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva inspected reconstruction work at secondary school No 23 after National Hero Tahir Hasanov in Baku.
The First Lady was told of the state of the school before......
11.03.2013 | Readed: 4786
Dutch Ambassador to Azerbaijan Arjen Peter Uijterlinde visited Baku High Oil School where he met Rector Elmar Gasimov.
The rector said today the major issue on the agenda is training of personnel, meeting international standards in the School.
12.02.2013 | Readed: 5329
Azerbaijan`s outstanding scientist, president of the country`s National Academy of Sciences, PhD in physics and mathematics, professor, academician Mahmud Karimov died at the age of 65 on February 10, 2013.
Mahmud Karimov was born on October 18, 1948 in the......
09.02.2013 | Readed: 4627
On February 8th Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić and his spouse Dragica Nikolić visited the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA).
They met rector of the Academy Hafiz Pashayev, who spoke of prospects for developing the cooperation between the two......
07.02.2013 | Readed: 4886
British ambassador to Azerbaijan Peter Bateman visited Baku High Oil School where he met Rector Elmar Gasimov.
The rector said today the major issue on the agenda is training of personnel meeting international standards in the School.
He noted the......
19.01.2013 | Readed: 6833
A delegation led by Professor of the University of Toronto Robert Austin has visited the Lankaran State University.
Rector of the Lankaran State University Asaf Isgandarov briefed the Canadian delegation on the activity of the higher......
17.01.2013 | Readed: 4745
World famous Azerbaijani scientist, professor of University of California Lotfi A. Zadeh was awarded BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) category.
Economics reports that the scientist received this award for the......
15.01.2013 | Readed: 4339
On January 14th Norway`s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide visited Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA).
He viewed newly opened education centre, as well as the country`s largest library in foreign languages of the Academy.
Espen Barth Eide......
10.01.2013 | Readed: 4619
On January 9th article by Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration Head Ramiz Mehdiyev “Shah Ismail Safavi as high willed historical figure” was discussed at the event in Azerbaijan State Culture and Art University (ASUCA).
Event participants talked......
31.12.2012 | Readed: 3600
Ambassador of Korea to Azerbaijan Choi Suk-inn has visited the Baku High Oil School (BHOS).
According to the BHOS, rector of Baku High Oil School Elmar Gasimov gave detailed information about the history of school, results of student admission process and......
20.12.2012 | Readed: 3175
On December 19th a Turkish delegation led by Rector of Bilkent University Ali Dogramaci visited the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA).
The delegation viewed newly opened education centre, as well as the country`s largest library in foreign languages of......
18.12.2012 | Readed: 2987
On December 17th Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy hosted a workshop on security and economic policy of Azerbaijan for the delegation of NATO Defense College.
Representatives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, National Security and Economic Development......
15.12.2012 | Readed: 2412
The Baku High Oil School (BHOS) signed a cooperation protocol with the Statoil-Azerbaijan company.
The signing ceremony brought together rector of the BHOS Elmar Gasimov, President of Statoil-Azerbaijan Lars Troen Sorensen, Norwegian Ambassador to......
15.12.2012 | Readed: 2015
Rector of the Moscow State University`s Baku branch, Nargiz Pashayeva has been awarded the European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry`s gold order for services.
The decision was adopted on Thursday by the Brussels-based Senate of European......
11.12.2012 | Readed: 1941
The Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy has held a presentation on “International Scholarship Program of ADA” for representatives of the diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan.
According to the Academy’s press service, the goal......
08.12.2012 | Readed: 1882
On December 7th Baku State University signed separate agreements on cooperation with Turkish Igdir University, Chinese Sichuan University and American Tulane University.
In his remarks during the signing ceremony, rector of Baku State University, MP Abel......
30.11.2012 | Readed: 1947
On November 29th Prime Minister of Latvia Valdis Dombrovskis visited Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) where he attended a round table "The cooperation among Latvia, the European Union and Azerbaijan: difficulties and prospects". ADA Rector Hafiz Pashayev praised the......
30.11.2012 | Readed: 2019
On November 28th professor of the German Rostock University, chair of the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics Egon Hassel was awarded with an honorary doctorate diploma of the Azerbaijan Technical University. During the ceremony, rector of the University Havar Mammadov briefed the......
24.11.2012 | Readed: 1914
On November 23rd an event entitled "Azerbaijan and UN: 20 years of partnership and future prospects" was held at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA). Rector of the Academy, Academician Hafiz Pashayev said that the UN was the important organization for Azerbaijan. He touched......
14.11.2012 | Readed: 1981
On November 13th the Baku State University (BSU) and the US Agency for International Development inked a memorandum of understanding. The Memorandum was clinched within the cooperation on the development of a new Maritime and Energy Law LLM program within the Law Faculty at BSU in......
23.10.2012 | Readed: 2413
The Azerbaijani Diplomatic Academy (ADA) has launched the Jean Monnet program on European Union studies for representatives of the government sector. The program, which will feature four modules, aims to increase knowledge of civil servants in the EU and economic integration. The......
11.10.2012 | Readed: 2020
Diana Cohen Altman, Executive Director of the Karabakh Foundation functioning in the United States, visited State Administration Academy under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Rector of the Academy Urkhan Alakbarov stressed importance of the policy perused by national leader,......
06.10.2012 | Readed: 1891
The Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) has signed a memorandum of Understanding with the Korean Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. The document envisages expansion of cooperation and partnership and implementation of joint training and educational programs in the future. The......
08.09.2012 | Readed: 2020
On September 7th Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy where he met its teaching staff and students. Prior to the meeting, rector of the academy Hafiz Pashayev briefed Rasmussen on the facility`s activity and future plans. Addressing......
11.08.2012 | Readed: 1848
On August 10th rector of the Baku State University Abel Maharramov met with Korean ambassador to Azerbaijan Jiha Lee Maharramov briefed the ambassador on the BSU`s activity, international relations, programs and grant projects. Underlining the importance of Azerbaijan-Korea......
11.08.2012 | Readed: 1873
The 62nd International Phenomenological Congress on theme: "Power of Space and ontopoetic genesis of life" was organized on August 8-10 at National Centre of Dramatic Art in Paris. The congress, organized by the World Institute of Phenomenology, was attended by about 100 well-known......
13.07.2012 | Readed: 2072
A scientific conference on the topic "Eastern Europe-Azerbaijan: prospects of reliable partnership, scientific cooperation and cultural dialogue" was held at the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan. The seminar was organized by the Eastern Europe Azerbaijani......
12.07.2012 | Readed: 1842
The State Administration Academy under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and the Qafqaz University have signed a memorandum of understanding on scientific and technical cooperation. The memorandum of understanding was inked by rectors of the State Administration Academy and the Qafqaz......
11.07.2012 | Readed: 1926
On July 10th Azerbaijan`s first lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva and vice-president of the Foundation Leyla Aliyeva inaugurated the kindergartens No 27 and No 325 in Yasamal District in Baku. Azerbaijan`s first lady was informed about the reconstruction work......