Baku hosts forum of CIS rectors of humanitarian universities and deans of humanitarian faculties

A forum of CIS rectors of humanitarian universities and deans of humanitarian faculties started in Baku State University (BSU).
Rector of Baku Slavonic University (BSU) Kamal Abdullayev welcomed the participants. He said 30 delegations from more than 20 universities of Commonwealth countries joined the event. Rector of Russian State Humanitarian University, Chairman of Russia-Azerbaijan Friendship Society Yefim Pivovar hailed the organization of the forum. He said the forum will play an important role in development of friendly relations between the humanitarian universities.
The forum participants familiarized themselves with some universities of Azerbaijan, including secondary schools N 132 and 134.
They also visited the Alley of Honors to pay tribute to national leader Heydar Aliyev and the Alley of Martyrs to revere memory of the brave sons of Azerbaijan.









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